6 Jan 2014

SUNDAY FUNDAY..... (05/01/2014)


Long time no see folks! Happy Belated Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope you all had a lovely holiday! Whilst I took a rather undeserved break from writing this blog, I sat down and really considered what it was I wanted to focus on and what kind of a schedule I would adhere to. For a constant procrastinator like myself even holding myself down to a plan is difficult never mind for anyone else who has to put up with me! I've decided on four posts a week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday/Sunday. The weekly posts will consist of anything of interest to me, and the weekend post(s) will consist of either a synopsis of the week or lifestyle posts. So, because I haven't posted since before Christmas; this first post for the new year will just be about yesterday. I do have a post about my New Years Eve and a Christmas post aswell to upload but I'll do that separately to the schedule I have promised. 

Yesterday was a pretty quiet day, funnily enough. The above photo basically sums up my day :). I got to spend the day at home relaxing. After a fairly long break from really doing anything with my horse Alfie (the owner of the ears on the top photo) I decided with the New Year should come a new exercise routine for him and a much needed cleaning. I don't know why but every time I take a long break from Alfie I'm always afraid he's going to be really fresh or somehow forget the whole concept of somebody actually being on his back and become some kind of bucking bronco. But; as always he was a sweetheart and it was as if I hadn't taken a break at all. For all of you whom have no idea about horses that is pretty rare! I always feel so ashamed for thinking the worst of him for absolutely no reason, I definitely don't deserve him. I also helped my brother Oliver, wash his horse Oscar and as he was standing like the gentleman he is; our two outside dogs were eating up all his nuts! The rest of the day was spent either watching old criminal minds episodes and working on accounts for a local charity I volunteer as a treasurer for. All in all, a pretty uninteresting day for a twenty something year old even more so for the poor souls reading this babble. :) Anyways, I hope you all had a lovely weekend and I shall see you Wednesday! 

Maisy x
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