13 Dec 2013


Hey guys!
I know I have been pretty vague in regards to what I'm actually going to write about on this blog; but I decided today that whatever catches my interest will just have to suffice for the minute. Until the new year, when I will have far more spare time to actually plan out a blog timetable and set different topics for specific days.

Now onto what I really wanted to discuss, today I discovered (whilst watching Sourcefed on Youtube) that Pope Francis was awarded TIME Magazine's "Person of the Year" for 2013. Despite the bad name that the Catholic Church as an institution has gained throughout the world, I was pleasantly surprised that he was chosen.

As a twenty two year old student, it would come as little surprise to anybody reading this blog, that apart from the Papal election of Pope Francis; I never really gave him much thought. BUT, after reading the attached article on the TIME Magazine website, which contains uplifting quotes from the Pope himself on various different topics, I was really impressed. Two that stood out to me in particular were in relation to abortion as a result of rape or poverty "Who can remain unmoved before such painful situations?" and in relation to gay citizens "If a homosexual person is of good will and is in search of God, I am no one to judge". Pope Francis joins only two of his predecessors in attaining the award, Pope John XXIII (1962) famous for mediating during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and Pope John Paul II (1994). 

Whilst it cannot be denied that Pope Francis joins an elite group of people, especially those of whom are infamous for their actions, J.F Kennedy (1961), Mahatma Ghandi (1930), Corazon C. Aquino (1986). There also seems to be a few questionable choices, apart from the obvious Presidential choice which occurs every few years, some may be surprised to hear the Adolf Hitler won the award in 1938. Hitlers achievement being the unification of Germany and Austria as German Chancellor. Wallis Simpson in 1936 for her relationship with King Edward XIII and ultimately the reason for his abdication. Newt Gingrich in 1995 for the "Republican Revolution". I could continue on, but I fear this post is already tediously long. I will however say that I was extremely shocked and dismayed that Nelson Mandela did not make the cut, I will have to buy the magazine I'm afraid and see if he was put in the list at all. Maybe next year? 

Til next time, Maisy x


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